FIRST STEP Email us to sales@devotio.it or contact our SALES TEAM, we are at your disposal to provide you with information and suggesting you the best way to meet your business needs.
- Participation rates
- Exhibition area availability
- Promotional opportunities
- Benefits
- Fitting stands technical specifications
- Customized stand solutions
SECOND STEP Fill in the registration form with all the requested data (personal data, contact persons, commodities sector ...) To request your registration form email to sales@devotio.it or contact the SALES TEAM.
- To make your participation request valid, you need to enclose a copy of the down-payment.
- Exhibitors are forbidden from retail selling the products exhibited during the show except for books.
- It is forbidden to carry out any form of walking advertisement, except at their stand.
- Devotio is reserved exclusively for trade professionals working in the religious sector.